15-055-10062 1002912139 Crozier 1 Location: T22S R33W, Sec. 27 SW SW SE 330 North, 2310 West, from SE corner Longitude: -100.9278038 Latitude: 38.1062275 Well Type: OIL Status: Producing Total Depth: 5700 Elevation: 2886 KB Kansas Sample Log Service Log No. 4322 7-10-54 J.D.Davies 4825; Ste. Genevieve Limestone 4825; 4840; gray, dense, micro oolitic, finely arenaceous ( sandy ) lst 4840; St. Louis Limestone 4840; 4865; light gray to buff, dense to medium xln, fine to coarse oolitic lst 4865; 4890; light brown & lithographic lst 4890; 4945; light gray to buff, dense to medium xln, fine to coarse oolitic lst 4945; Salem Limestone 4945; 4955; gray, medium to coarse xln, pseudo oolitic lst, abundant Endothyra in part mottled in part gray, opaque to subopaque fossil chert 4955; 5065; gray, medium to coarse xln, pseudo oolitic lst, abundant Endothyra in part 5065; Warsaw Limestone 5065; 5118; cream to dirty-gray, mottled fine granular to coarse xln, cherty dolomitic lst; gray, mottled opaque to subopaque fossil chert 5118; Osagian 5118; 5180; gray, tan & buff, sucrosic to medium xln, profusely cherty, limy dolo; gray opaque to sub opaque fossil chert Approx 70% dolo 5180; 5205; gray, tan & buff, sucrosic to medium xln, profusely cherty, limy dolo; gray opaque to sub opaque fossil chert traces of glauconite 5205; 5210; gray-buff, coarse xln, fossiliferous pseudo oolitic dolomitic lst 5210; 5270; tan to buff, sucrosic to medium xln, cherty dolomitic lst 5270; Kinderhookian 5270; 5360; gray, tan & buff, fine sucrosic to dense and coarse xln, slightly dolomitic lst, caorse oolitic in part 5360; 5400; a cruddy zone of cream-buff, shaly vuggy porous ( good porosity ) dolomitic lst 5400; Viola Limestone 5400; 5548; light gray, cream & buff, fine and medium xln dolo, some vuggy porosity w/ white smooth opaque to subopaque chert 5548; 5566; gray-buff, coarse xln, vuggy porosity tripolitic dolo 5566; Simpson 5566; 5582; gry-buff, fine to coarse xln, sandy dolo 5582; Arbuckle 5582; 5645; gray, buff & brown, sucrose to rhombic, slightly sandy dolo, oolitic chert 5645; 5700; gray, buff & brown, sucrose to rhombic, dolo, oolitic chert