15-055-00123 1002912062 F. L. Bauman 1 Location: T22S R29W, Sec. 4 NE NE NE Longitude: -100.5010407 Latitude: 38.1749276 Well Type: D&A Status: Plugged and Abandoned Total Depth: 5347 Elevation: 2660 GL Kansas Sample Log Service Log No 2890 5-7-52 500; 560; gray, sandy clay sh 560; 600; gray, coarse grain, subangular, pyritic sst 600; 650; gray, coarse grain, subangular, pyritic sst shaly 650; 750; gray, coarse grain, subangular, pyritic sst 750; 810; shale; gray, coarse grain, subangular, pyritic sst 810; 825; gray, coarse grain, subangular, pyritic sst 825; 835; gray sh 835; 845; gray, coarse grain, subangular, pyritic sst 845; 855; gray sh 855; 872; gray, coarse grain, subangular, pyritic sst shaly 872; 882; gray, coarse grain, subangular, pyritic sst 882; 890; gray sh 890; 895; gray, coarse grain, subangular, pyritic sst shaly 895; 903; gray sh 903; 920; gray sh; gray, coarse grain, subangular, pyritic sst 920; 1130; white, coarse gray, sub rounded, free drilling sst 1130; Permian Red Beds 1130; 1150; reddish-brown gritty sh 1150; 1155; buff to brown, sucrose, impure dolo 1155; 1280; dominantly reddish brown, sandy sh 1280; Blaine 1280; 1305; dark maroon, gypsiferous sh 1305; 1327; white anhydrite & selenite 1327; 1370; reddigh brown & maroon gypsiferous sh 1370; Cedar Hills Sandstone 1370; 1386; white, fine to medium grain, sub-angular sst 1386; 1410; reddish brown, gypsiferous sh 1410; 1450; pinkish white & red, rounded, highly polished coarse grain friable sst 1450; 1455; reddish brown & maroon sh 1455; 1456; pinkish white & red, rounded, highly polished coarse grain friable sst 1456; 1473; reddish brown & maroon sh 1473; 1474; pinkish white & red, rounded, highly polished coarse grain friable sst 1474; 1485; reddish brown & maroon sh 1485; 1486; pinkish white & red, rounded, highly polished coarse grain friable sst 1486; 1505; reddish brown & maroon sh 1505; 1510; pinkish white & red, rounded, highly polished coarse grain friable sst 1510; 1515; reddish brown & maroon sh 1515; 1522; pinkish white & red, rounded, highly polished coarse grain friable sst 1522; 1565; reddish brown & maroon sh; pinkish white & red, rounded, highly polished coarse grain friable sst 1565; 1570; pinkish white & red, rounded, highly polished coarse grain friable sst 1570; 1580; reddish brown & maroon sh 1580; 1585; pinkish white & red, rounded, highly polished coarse grain friable sst 1585; 1595; reddish brown & maroon sh 1595; 1600; pinkish white & red, rounded, highly polished coarse grain friable sst 1600; 1861; reddish-brown, gritty sh 1861; Stone Corral 1861; Cimarron Anhydrite 1861; 1890; white & gray, massive anhydrite 1890; 2000; reddish brown & maroon anhydritic sh with halite casts 2000; 2210; reddish brown & maroon sh streaks anhydrite 2210; Wellington 2210; 2499; dominantly gray, anhydritic sh 2499; Hollenberg Limestone 2499; 2507; gray-buff, dense mottled, selenitic dolo 2507; 2536; red & gray anhydritic sh 2536; Herington Limestone 2536; 2552; gray-buff, mottled, sucrose dolo 2552; 2562; red & gray sh 2562; 2580; gray, fine grain micaceous dolomitic sst 2580; 2585; red & grah sh 2584; Paddock Shale 2585; 2591; gray, fine grain micaceous dolomitic sst 2591; Fort Riley Limestone 2591; 2613; gray-buff, sucrose dolo, pinpoint porosity 2613; 2630; red & gray, anhydritic sh 2630; 2637; gray, fine grain, tight, micaceous, dolomitic sst 2637; 2660; buff, mottled, sucrose dolo 2660; 2663; gray sh 2663; 2677; gray-buff, fine sucrose dolo 2677; 2670; gray sh 2670; 2690; red & gray, slightly sandy, anhydritic sh 2690; 2713; gray-buff, sucrose, cherty dolo 2713; 2717; gray sh 2717; 2737; gray-brown, mottled sucrose dolo 2737; 2750; red, sandy sh 2750; 2760; gray-buff, mottled, sucrose, cherty dolo, oocastic porosity 2760; 2780; brown shaly dolo 2780; Florence Limestone 2780; 2803; buff, fine granular, dolomitic lst, fusulinids & dark gray & brown, opaque chert 2803; 2817; red & gray sh 2817; 2825; light gray, chalky, fine xln lst 2825; 2855; gray-buff, mottled, shaly, dolomitic lst 2855; 2870; red & gray sh 2870; Wreford Limestone 2870; 2890; gray, fine xln, fossiliferous lst, gray, dull, opaque, fossiliferous chert 2890; 2892; gray sh 2892; 2900; gray, fine xln, fossiliferous, lst 2900; 2905; gray, fine xln, fossiliferous, dolomitic lst 2905; 2915; red & gray sh 2915; 2935; cream-gray, dense to fine xln fossiliferous lst 2935; 2940; red & gray sh 2940; 2943; cream-gray, dense to fine xln fossiliferous lst 2943; 2946; red & gray sh 2946; 2955; white to gray, dense to fine xln, fossiliferous lst 2955; 2960; red & grah sh 2960; 2962; white to gray, dense to fine xln, fossiliferous lst 2962; 2968; red & gray sh 2968; 2972; white to gray, dense to fine xln, fossiliferous lst 2972; 2977; red & gray sh 2977; 2985; cream-tan, fine granular dolomitic lst 2985; 2990; gray sh 2990; 2995; white, lithographic lst 2995; 3002; gray sh 3002; 3020; cream-tan, fine granular, dolomitic lst 3020; Cottonwood Limestone 3020; 3040; weathered fusulinids in cream gray marly shaly lst 3040; 3060; red, limy sh 3060; Neva Limestone 3060; 3077; white to cream, dense to fine xln lst 3077; 3112; gray-buff, fine xln, fossiliferous shaly lst 3112; 3120; cream-gray, dense to fine xln cherty lst 3120; 3135; gray-buff, fine xln lst, brown & black, opaque chert 3135; 3142; red & gray sh 3142; 3145; gray, fine xln, fossiliferous lst 3145; 3153; red & gray sh 3153; 3157; gray, fine xln, fossiliferous lst 3157; 3160; red & gray sh 3160; 3173; buff, fine granular, dolomitic lst 3173; 3176; gray sh 3176; 3185; gray-buff, mottled, fine xln, fossiliferous lst 3185; 3190; gray sh 3190; 3203; gray-buff, dense to fine xln lst 3203; 3208; gray sh 3208; 3213; gray-buff, dense to fine xln lst 3213; 3215; gray sh 3215; 3240; gray-buff, dense to fine xln, cherty lst 3240; 3250; gray, dense to fine xln, fossiliferous lst 3250; 3260; red & gray sh 3260; 3270; cream-gray, porous ( good porosity ) finely oocastic lst 3270; 3275; gray sh 3275; 3282; gray-buff, oolitic lst 3282; 3285; gray sh 3285; 3297; cream-buff, dense to fine xln, fossiliferous lst 3297; 3305; red & gray sh 3305; 3313; gray, dense to fine xln lst 3313; 3318; red & gray sh 3318; 3323; gray, dense to fine xln lst 3323; 3335; red & gray, slightly sandy sh 3335; 3350; gray, fine grain, subangular, micaceous sst 3350; 3370; red & gray, sandy sh 3370; 3383; red & gray sh 3383; 3402; gray-buff, fine xln, fossiliferous lst 3402; 3405; gray sh 3405; 3412; gray, dense to fine xln lst 3412; 3414; gray sh 3414; 3430; buff, fine granular, dolomitic lst 3430; 3463; gray, dense to fine xln, fossiliferous lst 3463; 3468; dark gray sh 3468; 3480; gray, dense to fine xln lst 3480; 3493; gray-buff, dense to fine xln lst 3493; 3505; buff, gritty, micaceous sh 3505; 3529; gray-buff, fine xln, fossiliferous lst 3529; 3543; red & gray, slightly gritty, micaceous sh 3543; 3552; buff to brown, fine xln, fosssiliferous lst 3552; 3560; red & gray sh 3560; Topeka Limestone 3560; 3577; cream-gray, dse to fine xln, fossiliferous lst 3577; 3579; gray sh 3579; 3610; gray-buff, fine xln, fossiliferous, cherty lst 3610; 3613; gray sh 3613; 3647; cream-gray, dense to fine xln, fossiliferous lst 3647; 3650; gray sh 3650; 3660; gray, fine xln, fossiliferous, cherty lst 3660; 3680; buff, fine granular, dolomitic lst 3680; 3698; gray-buff, fine xln, fossiliferous lst 3698; 3700; gray sh 3700; 3710; cream, dense lst 3710; 3723; cream-gray, dense to fine xln lst, pinpoint porosity 3723; 3740; cream, dense to fine xln cherty lst 3740; 3743; gray sh 3743; 3770; gray, fine xln, fossiliferous lst 3770; 3773; gray sh 3773; 3785; cream-gray, dense to fine xln, fossiliferous, cherty lst, streaks pinpoint porosity 3785; 3803; cream-gray, dense to fine xln, fossiliferous, lst, streaks pinpoint porosity 3803; 3807; gray sh 3807; 3815; gray, porous ( good porosity ) oocastic lst 3815; 3818; gray sh 3818; 3830; gray-buff, dense to fine xln, fossiliferous lst, cherty 3830; 3846; gray-buff, dense to fine xln, fossiliferous lst 3846; Heebner Shale 3846; 3849; black sh 3849; 3857; gray-buff, dense to fine xln lst 3857; 3865; red & gray sh 3865; 3881; white, dnese to fine xln, cherty lst 3881; 3890; red & gray sh 3890; Lansing 3890; 3925; cream to gray, dense to fine xln, fossiliferous, cherty lst 3925; 3929; gray sh 3929; 3940; cream-buff, dense to fine xln lst 3940; 3960; cream, dense to fine xln, fossiliferous slightly cherty lst 3960; 3982; cream, dense to fine xln, fossiliferous lst 3982; 3985; gray sh 3985; 4000; cream, dense to fine xln cherty lst 4000; 4010; white, dnese to fine xln lst 4010; 4012; gray sh 4012; 4031; cream, dense to fine xln, cherty lst, streaks pinpoint porosity 4031; 4034; gray sh 4034; 4070; white to cream, dense lst 4070; 4072; gray sh 4072; 4080; cream, dense to fine xln, fossiliferous lst 4080; 4083; dark gray sh 4083; 4100; cream-gray, dense to fine xln cherty lst 4100; 4115; cream-gray,dense lst 4115; 4120; cream-gray,dense lst, partly cherty 4120; 4127; gray-buff, dense to fine xln lst 4127; 4130; dark gray sh 4130; 4166; gray, fine xln, fossiliferous, faintly oolitic lst streaks good oocastic porosity 4166; 4169; gray sh 4169; 4180; gray, porous ( good porosity ) oocastic lst 4180; 4182; gray sh 4182; 4200; cream-gray, dense to fine xln, fossiliferous slt scatered scattered oocastic porosity 4200; Swope Limestone 4200; 4210; gray, fine xln, fossiliferous lst 4210; 4220; gray, fine xln, fossiliferous lst, fine granular & dolomitic 4220; 4238; cream, fine xln, fossiliferous cherty lst streaks pinpoint porosity 4238; 4240; gray sh 4240; 4245; white, dense to fine xln fossiliferous lst 4245; Hushpuckney Shale 4245; 4247; gray sh 4247; 4270; cream-buff, dense to fine xln lst 4270; 4272; gray sh 4272; 4290; gray, dense to fine xln cherty lst 4290; 4292; gray sh 4292; Exline Limestone 4292; 4302; cream-buff, fine granular cherty oolitic lst 4302; 4307; gray sh 4307; 4323; gray-buff, dense to fine xln, cherty lst 4321; Pleasanton 4323; 4333; red & gray sh 4333; 4344; gray-buff, fine xln, fossiliferous lst 4340; Marmonton 4344; 4347; gray sh 4347; 4363; white, fine xln, fossiliferous lst 4363; 4368; gray sh 4368; Altamont Limestone 4368; 4381; gray, fine xln, fossiliferous, partly oolitic lst 4381; 4385; gray sh 4385; 4393; gray, dense to fine xln, oolitic & oocastic lst 4393; 4398; gray sh 4398; Pawnee Limestone 4398; 4412; gray, dense to fine xln, cherty lst 4412; 4415; gray sh 4415; 4423; gray, dense to fine xln, cherty lst 4423; 4425; gray sh 4425; Fort Scott Limestone 4425; 4435; light gray dense, cherty lst 4435; 4442; dark gray sh 4442; 4448; light gray dense, cherty lst 4448; 4450; dark gray sh 4450; 4465; cream-buff, dense to fine xln, fossiliferous cherty lst 4465; Excello Shale 4465; 4470; black sh 4470; Cherokee 4470; 4481; gray-buff, dense to fine xln, oolitic lst 4481; 4485; red & gray sh 4485; 4493; buff, dense cherty lst 4493; 4495; gray sh 4495; Verdigris Limestone 4495; 4505; buff, dense cherty oolitic lst 4505; 4508; gray sh 4508; 4530; gray, dense lst 4530; 4533; gray sh 4533; Atokan 4533; 4554; gray-buff, dense to fine xln, fossiliferous lst 4554; Kearney 4554; 4570; green, sandy sh, with beds white, fine grain glassy sst 4570; Mississippian 4570; St. Louis Limestone 4570; 4620; medium to coarse oolites in light gray to buff dense to medium xln lst 4620; 4680; medium to coarse oolites in light gray to buff dense to medium xln lst; white & gray, opaque to subopaque, fossiliferous chert 4680; Spergen & Warsaw Limestone 4680; 4705; endothyra in gray-buff, coarse xln, fossiliferous lst some fossil cast porosity 4705; 4725; gray-buff finely granular, dolomitic lst 4725; 4730; endothyra in gray-buff, coarse xln, fossiliferous lst some fossil cast porosity 4730; 4750; gray-buff finely granular, dolomitic lst 4750; 4760; endothyra in gray-buff, coarse xln, fossiliferous lst some fossil cast porosity 4760; 4820; gray-buff, fine granular to coarse xln, fossiliferous lst; drusy quartzose chert 4820; Osagian 4820; 4860; gray-buff, fine xln profusely cherty dolo, chert is gray, opaque & highly fossiliferous 4860; 4890; gray-buff, fine xln profusely cherty dolo, white, smooth, opaque to subopaque chert 4890; 4920; gray-buff, fine xln profusely cherty dolo, smoky bluish gray chert 4920; 4940; gray, fine to medium xln, fossiliferous cherty dolomitic lst 4940; Kinderhookian 4940; Gilmore City Limestone 4940; 4990; tan, dense to fine granular lst, coarsely oolitic lst 4990; 5000; gray, medium to coarse xln, fossiliferous, porous lst shaly, sandy & dolomitic 5000; 5002; gray, medium to coarse xln, fossiliferous, porous lst 5002; 5013; gray, medium to coarse xln, fossiliferous, porous lst shaly, dolomitic 5013; 5035; gray, medium to coarse xln, fossiliferous, porous lst dolomitic 5032; 5042; gray, medium to coarse xln, fossiliferous, porous lst dolomitic coarse oolites 5042; Viola Limestone 5042; 5170; gray, buff & brown, fine to medium xln, cherty dolo, white, smooth,opaque to subopaque chert 5170; 5175; gray-buff, medium to coarse xln, vuggy dolomite some chitinous material 5175; 5180; gray-buff, medium to coarse xln, vuggy dolomite some chitinous material with chert 5180; 5185; gray-buff, medium to coarse xln, vuggy dolomite some chitinous material 5185; 5190; gray-buff, medium to coarse xln, vuggy dolomite some chitinous material with chert 5190; 5196; gray-buff, medium to coarse xln, vuggy dolomite some chitinous material 5196; Simpson 5196; 5200; white, medium to coarse grain, angular to subrounded & frosted, phosphatic dolomitic sst 5200; 5205; sandy dolo 5205; 5212; white, medium to coarse grain, angular to subrounded & frosted, phosphatic dolomitic sst 5212; 5218; sandy dolo 5218; 5222; white, medium to coarse grain, angular to subrounded & frosted, phosphatic dolomitic sst 5222; Arbuckle 5222; 5290; gray-buff, fine xln to rhombic, partly tripolitic slightly sandy dolo white subtranslucent chert 5290; 5347; gray-buff, fine xln to rhombic, partly tripolitic slightly sandy dolo white subtranslucent oolitic chert; good vuggy porosity