KGS Home Page Oil and Gas Index Page Well Database

Search for Kansas wells (and deleted wells) by KID

Use this form to search our well database using a KID value. This search will also search the deleted wells database to see the current well a KID has been assigned to.

Enter value for a KID

The KID is a number used as a unique ID code for wells in the Survey's Master List of Oil and Gas wells. The Survey does not use API number as a unique ID.
If two database records are found to be for the same well, one of them will be deleted by merging it with the remaining well. The KID for the deleted well will then only be found in our table of deleted wells as a child record of the current well record.
KID values are never reused, but should not considered permanent ID codes for wells in the way API numbers are designed to be.

Other information online...

Kansas Geological Survey, Oil and Gas Well Database
Comments to
Program Updated Oct. 1, 2018
New data added periodically.