HELP: Load ASCII Delimited GeoReport File
By Depth Range

This example is a Geologist Report done by J.D. Davies (18 July 1958) for the ARGONIA BPTST CHURCH 1 (15-191-00725) well in Sumner County, Kansas. In this example the depth range information is separated by semicolons and is in the front of the each description, e.g. "2465; 2563; red & gray sndy. & thin bedded gray, sub-angular, micac sst.".

The Depth Range parse engine assumes that there will be two numbers at the beginning of each description. The semicolon is not necessarily unique in the line, but the program expects to find two number fields at the front of the line.

The program will separate the description from the depth range using the delimiter ';'. Using the example above,

"2465", "2563", "red & gray sndy. & thin bedded gray, sub-angular, micac sst."

The parse engine will determine which is the description and which is the depth information. The depths are then cleaned of any other non numeric characters leaving the numbers, e.g. 2465 and 2563.

The parse engine sets the starting depth and ending depth for the description and computes the thickness and adds to the cumilative total depth.

Example: Geologis Report ASCII Text File

Author: John R. Victorine