Kansas Geological Survey Computer Series Report 2001-3

A Web-Based Program for Computation of Pumping-Induced Drawdown and Stream Depletion 

M.-S. Tsou and J. J. Butler, Jr.

(see Butler et al. (Ground Water, vol. 39, no. 5, p. 651-659, 2001) for further details) 

Please fill in the boxes using consistent units (e.g., m, d, m/d, m3/d).

This form will produce results using these units.

If results in a dimensionless format (types curves) are desired, Click Here.

Schematic of stream-aquifer configuration shown at right.

Left Click Above to Enlarge

     - address to which results will be sent

     - these units will be used to label results

     - pumping well assumed to be located on right side of stream
     - for additional pumping wells, Click Here
     - X location is distance from right bank of stream, Y location is assumed to be zero


     - for additional wells, Click Here
     - X location is distance from right bank of stream, Y location is distance from pumping well
     - if X location same as pumping well, a small error is introduced into calculated drawdown
           (error is largest immediately after start of pumping and rapidly decreases)  

     - distances are from right bank of stream

     - distances are from X axis

     - to obtain results for fully penetrating stream, set k'= 0.0001b'

     - used for calculation of residual drawdown and stream depletion 
     - set to 0 if residual quantities are not desired

     - time after start of pumping at which first results are desired

     - program allows a maximum of 50 time steps

     - recommended number is ten

     - convergence criterion for Fourier back transform