Figure 12. Correlation of sonic logs used for seismic modeling of varying Morrow to Mississippian thickness and sandstone content. Note that the only wells along the seismic lines in this study are the Harris #1 and Tedford #1. This is because they are the only wells along the seismic profiles that contain sonics. See Figure 4 caption for legend of numbers between the well logs and well names. Correlation are MRRW (top of Morrow clastics), TMSD (top of Morrow sandstone), BMSD (base of Morrow sandstone), MISS (top of Mississippian limestone). Correlation is flattened on MRRW. Note that the top and base of sand correlations are carried through wells not containing sand in order to aid in the seism- ic correlation between wells. COR5 is also a marker used to aid correlation between wells. Also note that the density logs for each well were used in the seismic modeling but are not shown here. Locations of wells which are all in T30S-R25W are as follows:

Murfin Fager #1-3, SW SE NE sec. 3 Ladd Harris #1, C NW SW sec. 9
Ladd Tedford # 1, NW NW NW sec. 1 0 Ladd Cannon #2, N1/2 NW SE sec. 8
Murfin Statton #1-12, NE NE NW sec. 12 Ladd Patton #1, C SE SE sec. 3
Murfin Shumate #1-13, SW NW NE sec. 13 Ladd Rooney #2, sec. 2