Reservoir Characterization to Inexpensively Evaluate the Exploitation Potential of a Small Morrow Incised Valley-fill Field

Kansas Geological Survey
Open-file Report 2002-9

Morrow Incised Valley-Fill System in Kansas

The Morrow Sandstone IVF system represents one of a series of IVF systems that were created on the Kansas shelf from Upper Mississippian through Permian time (Figure). The early Pennsylvanian Morrowan-age Morrow Sandstone in the subsurface of southwest Kansas is informally divided into a lower and upper unit. The lower Morrow has been interpreted mainly as offshore shales and shoreface sandstones, while the upper Morrow has been interpreted as marine shales that encase transgressive valley-fill sequences. Marginal and shallow marine deposits of the Morrow Sandstone accumulated in the Hugoton Embayment, which stretched into Kansas and Colorado from the deeper-water Anadarko Basin in Oklahoma (Figure). Wheeler and others (1990) recognized seven estuarine valley sequences in the upper Morrow. Incision at the base of each sequence resulted from sea level drop, with valley infill occurring during the subsequent sea level rise. During lowstands of sea level, valleys, presently oriented NW-SE, incised into older shelf deposits as the basin was drained to the shelf-slope break, located in Oklahoma, north of the Anadarko Basin. During highstands, valleys were backfilled and a broad shelf covered the area.

from Kristinik and Blakeney, 1990)

Lowstand Valley Incision

Highstand Valley Fill

IVF Systems in Kansas
Indian Cave

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Last updated March 2002