Integrating Plug to Well-Scale Petrophysics with Detailed Sedimentology to Quantify Fracture, Vug, and Matrix Properties in Carbonate Reservoirs

Kansas Geological Survey
Open-file Report 99-47


Peloidal packstone-grainstone (Non-reservoir): Typically massive, horizontally laminated or bedded and commonly interbedded with coarser-grained lithologies. Locally, it contains wispy lenses of shale and interbedded shale layers. Burrow traces and mottling are common. Peloids are abundant and rare interclasts, lumps, and skeletal grains (gastropods) are present. Soft sediment deformation, dewatering or teepee-like structures, mudcracks, and rip-up clasts are locally associated with this facies. The mud-rich peloidal packstone/grainstone facies represents deposition in relatively lower-energy subtidal and peritidal environment. This rock is tightly bound consisting of anhedral, euhedral, and polyhedral dolomite (< 0.5 mm) and peloidal cement.

#11-05 Truesdell 3246.3'

Peloidal packstone with clotted fabric, #1 Madsen, 3354’, plane polarized light.

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Last updated November 2002