Selected Readable Cluster Analysis References


Aldenderfer, M.S. and R. K. Blashfield, 1984, Cluster Analysis, Sage Publications, London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi, 88 p. 

A short, concise how-to book on the various aspects of performing cluster analysis.  Well-written book from the Sage publications Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences series. .

Bailey, K. D., 1994, Typologies and Taxonomies: An Introduction to Classification Techniques, Sage Publications, London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi, 96 p.

A how-to book on how to use various classification methods to evaluate data.  This can be a companion book to Cluster Analysis (Aldenderfer and Blashfield, 1984).  A usable book from the Sage publications Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences series. .

Everitt, Brian S., 1993, Cluster Analysis, 3rd ed., Halsted Press, London, New York, 170 p. Gordon, A.D., 1999, Classification, Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, 256 p.

A comprehensive book on cluster analysis; Romesburg (1984) is easier to read.

Rogerson, P.A., 2001, Statistical Methods for Geography, Sage Publications, London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi, 236 p. 

This is a new textbook with only a short section on cluster analysis but it does have several sections that are applicable to the overall statistical analysis of spatial data. This is a good reference text on a variety of spatial and general statistical analysis procedures. .

Romesburg, C.H., 1984, Cluster Analysis for Researchers, Lifetime Learning Publications Belmont, CA, 334 p. 

A well written, easy to understand book and has many examples of how to implement and use cluster analysis.  Recommended first book for those just starting cluster analysis.

Web Sites

These are okay for a quick overview of cluster analysis but are not comprehensive in their presentations.  There are a number of other web sites on cluster analysis but these are the ones that have some usable information for people beginning cluster analysis.  Most of the other sites are wither too brief to be usable or are links to software vendors selling clustering software.  This is a good overview site with brief descriptions of various clustering methods and graphics on cluster results.  Very brief presentation of cluster analysis but has links to other related statistical methods such as factor analysis, multidimensional scaling, etc. Another very brief presentation but does have a few good comments on selection of number of clusters.