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SUPRPUMP version 1.0

SUPRPUMP aids in the analysis and design of pumping tests and slug tests. In analysis mode, SUPRPUMP performs automated fitting of well test data, providing optimal estimates of aquifer parameters. In design mode, SUPRPUMP emphasizes the graphical display of parameter sensitivities, providing valuable information on the best locations and times for data collection.

Currently available well test functions include:
Theis (pumping test)
Hvorslev (slug test)
Leaky artesian (pumping test)
Cooper-Bredehoeft-Papadopulos (slug test )
Leaky with aquitard storage
Finite-radius well skin (slug test)(two versions, pumping test)

Additional program features which can be used with the pumping test functions include:
Anisotropic transmissivity in the horizontal plane
Constant head and zero-flux lateral boundaries
Multiple pumping wells and observation wells
Variable pumping rates.

SUPRPUMP is distributed as a PC application (math coprocessor recommended, but not required). Complete Fortran source code is provided, allowing portability to other platforms. [SUPRPUMP does not include code to display graphics, but instead writes simple ASCII files of plotting data. Most graphics packages should be able to read these files.]

PRICE: program $75.00, user's guide, $7.50.

Computer Program Series 90-3 User's guide to well test design and analysis with SUPRPUMP version 1.0, by G. C. Bohling, C. D. McElwee, J. J. Butler, Jr., and Weizhi Liu (specify disk size). 1990. 95 p. high-density disk $75.00.

Kansas Geological Survey
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