Map highlights the hydrocarbon potential of the Mississippian horizon in the state of Kansas and shows the location of oil and gas fields (including Schaben Field) producing from the Mississipian. The regional cross section A-A' is shown in the next slide.

The majority of Mississippian production in Kansas occurs at or near the top of the Mississippian section just below the sub-Pennsylvanian unconformity. These reservoirs are a major source of Kansas oil production and account for approximately 43% (21 million barrels in 1994) of total annual production (Carr et al., 1995a).

On a cumulative basis Mississippian reservoirs in Kansas account for approximately 20% of the 5-6 billion barrels of oil produced in the state.

Recovery factors in Mississippian reservoirs appear to be relatively low (15-25%).

Similar sub-Pennsylvanian unconformity production also occurs in the Ordovician Arbuckle Dolomites.

All sub-Pennsylvanian unconformity reservoirs have an active water drive.

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Last updated December 12, 1998