KU Energy Research Center CO2 Project

Resource Assessment

The purpose of the CO2 Resource assessment is to locate the sources and quantities of carbon dioxide from electric utilities in Kansas. An on-going project at KU and KGS involves assessing the potential for enhanced oil recovery in Kansas using miscible-CO2 flooding. The CO2 Resource Assessment from power plants is peripheral to this project.

This map shows the location of power plants in Kansas overlain on Lansing-Kansas City oil and gas fields in Kansas. Both the blue and red squares signify the location of power plants. The red squares specify the top ten largest power plants, based on yearly emissions of CO2. Click on the map to view information on CO2 production from the plants.

All fields || Lansing-Kansas City || Mississippian || Viola || Simpson || Arbuckle || Ordovician

Map of Kansas showing power plant locations

Percentage of Kansas oil production from various formations

Over half the oil production in Kansas has come from Arbuckle and Lansing-Kansas City oil fields

Arbuckle has produced most oil, followed by Lansing-Kansas City and Mississippian


Individual power plant data is based on the summer and winter capabilities as presented in Inventory of Power Plants in the United States, As of January 1, 1998 (http://www.eia.doe.gov/cneaf/electricity/ipp/ipp_sum.html) , DOE/EIA-0095(98), Dec. 1998, pp. 112-119.

The emissions of CO2 are based on the assumption that each plant operates at full-capacity using the primary fuel.

Emission factors for fuels are: 962 kg CO2/MWeh coal, 726 kg CO2/MWeh oil, 484 kg CO2/MWeh natural gas (Source: Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The Energy Dimension. 1991, Paris: The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development/International Energy Agency (OECD/IEA). p 199.) The assumed value of CO2 is $0.50 per MSCF (Thousand Standard Cubic Feet).

Kansas Geological Survey
Updated May 1999
Technical comments or questions to Scott White, KU Energy Research Center
Web comments to webadmin@kgs.ku.edu